World Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture College
5183 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario M1B 5Z5 Course Description of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Advance Diploma
Name Hour Descriptioon
301.TCM Diagnosis
Prerequisite Course: Fundamental Theories of TCM.
301. 中醫診斷
This course, focusing on elucidation of the theory and methods of TCM in examining pathological conditions as well as analyzing and differentiating syndromes, is composed of diagnostic methods (inspection, inquiry, auscultation and olfaction, palpation), syndrome differentiation (eight principles differentiation, organ theory differentiation, five elements differentiation, triple warmer differentiation and other four differentiations etc.) and writing medical records. This course also mentions the definition, etiology and pathogenesis, diagnosis of the diseases, and the differentiation and treatments of various syndromes
本課程著重闡述中醫辨證病理狀況及分析鑑別綜合病徵的理論和方法,由診斷方法(檢查,詢問,聽診和嗅覺,觸診),綜合徵分化(八項原則分化,器官 理論差異化,五要素分化,三重加溫分化等四個差異等)和寫醫療記錄。 本課程還提到了疾病的定義,病因和發病機制,診斷以及各種綜合徵的分化和治療