World Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture College
5183 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario M1B 5Z5 Course Description of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Advance Diploma
Name Hour Description
504.Safety Course And First AID & CPR
Prerequisite Course or Co-requisite Course : Anatomy & physiology, Western Diagnostic Medicine.
504. 安全課程, 急救和心肺復蘇
This course teaches first aid and CPR skills in health-care setting .Students will be trained to be able to perform safe and ethical acupuncture practice in health clinic to meet CTCMPAO regulation about safety. For example: this course introduces how to evaluate patient risk profile and manage risks to patient. This course also introduces how to provide a safe working environment and maintain different equipment in a health clinic.
本課程在衛生保健設置中教授急救和心肺復蘇技能。學生將接受培訓,以便在衛生診所執行安全和道德的針灸練習,以達到CTCMPAO有關安全的規定。 例如:本課程介紹如何評估患者風險狀況並管理病人的風險。 本課程還介紹瞭如何提供一個安全的工作環境,並在健康診所保持不同的設備。